Sundays at 9 am. 404 Levering Mill Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004


drawing from a wide range of vocations, ethnicities,  life stages, and religious backgrounds.  We work in schools, hospitals, stores, offices and in the home.  We are from the Philadelphia area, and we are from other parts of the country, and even the world.  We are singles, couples, young families, and grandparents.  Some of us are deeply invested in the life of the church.  And some of us get involved as much as we can, or simply come to check things out. However we might come, we are all welcomed – free to question, free to watch, free to care and to be cared for.  And all along the way, the hope that draws us all together is that we might understand and experience more fully God’s love and goodness in Jesus Christ… for us, our city, and our world.

What to expect

There’s a certain flow to our worship service, which the bulletin will help guide you through. You can expect corporate singing, the Bible to be read and a sermon to be preached, an offering to be taken, and communion. Learn more.

children's program

Each Sunday, children at City Line from infant through 5th grade are invited into a joyful expression of Christian worship in their age-appropriate classes. Our approach intends to develop playful, curious and deeply spiritual children through practicing the worship of God and savoring the stories of the Bible. Learn more.

Youth Program

Our Sunday youth program is for grades 6-12. Our vision for the students is that they will be fueled by a passion for God, equipped with a deep knowledge of him, and touched by his might and gentleness – and they will desire this for their church community and those outside of it. Learn more.

Our Beliefs


Jesus has come to fix all that is broken. In his living, dying, and rising again, God declares an end – both now and in the future – to all the sin, all the death, and all the injustice that we experience in ourselves, in our city, and in our world. The good news of the Gospel, then, is not only about what Jesus has done so that we could “get into heaven”, but also about what Jesus is doing so that his kingdom of heaven – with all its perfect peace and beauty – could come to earth. See more.

Our Values


We value a kind of worship that glorifies God and centers on Christ and also helps people experience God where they are at. We value a kind of community that’s characterized by supporting and serving one another, and doing life together, and knowing and being known, with purpose and spiritual depth. We value a kind of mission that’s done locally and globally through word and deed. See more.

Our Vision


By God’s grace, we want to be a people who are inviting, and a place where people feel invited. We want to grow in our belonging to God and to one another. And we desire to grow in our wonder about, and our wonder at, God. Inviting. Belonging.  Wondering. See more.


Small Group explores Spiritual Autobiography

Using Richard Peace's book on Spiritual Formation, one of our small groups is hearing and telling each other's spiritual autobiographies...


  1. CITY LINE 101 (2/23). From 10:30-1pm in the Garage. Please RSVP...
  2. WINTER CLOTHES & BLANKETS DRIVE. Donate winter items for people in our city...
  3. THE ELDERS WOULD LIKE TO PRAY FOR YOU. To have the elders pray for you at their monthly...
  4. ZOOM LINK FOR WORSHIP SERVICE (SUNDAYS @ 9AM). For those who are not joining us...
  5. NEXT SUNDAY'S SERMON: Ryan Egli, The Sermon on the Mount, "Gates, Wolves, & Trees"...