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Find out about upcoming events that may interest you
  1. JOIN THE ADVENT CHOIR. We are forming a choir to lead our congregation in worship on December 15. All skill levels are welcome—if you love to sing, we’d love to have you! Email Renton at rragwan[at]gmail[dot]com by Dec. 8 to join.
  2. RETREAT REGISTRATION. Registration is open now until Jan. 5 for our church retreat, which is taking place Feb.14-16, 2025 at Sandy Cove in North East, MD. Register here
  3. NEW GIVING PLATFORM. Our new giving platform is live and ready to use! For new gifts and/or to set up a new recurring gift, please visit our Giving page on Church Center. 
  4. OFFICER NOMINATIONS (UNTIL 12/8). Nominations for elders, deacons, and deaconesses are now open. The Biblical qualifications for elders and deacons are listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Read those passages, pray about who comes to mind, and then nominate those people. You must be a member at City Line Church to make a nomination or to be nominated.
  5. CARE PACKAGES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS (12/8). The Upper Elementary Class is making care packages for City Line college students and InterVarsity students at Villanova on December 8! Anyone at City Line can help by providing the goodies that will go in the care packages. Please sign up to provide goodies through the link in the weekly email.
  6. BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE (12/8). St. Johns is inviting City Liners to join them for their “Blue Christmas Service” on Dec. 8 at 4 pm in the sanctuary. This service is specifically for those for whom the Christmas season might be a sad and lonely time, a reminder of loss or brokenness.
  7. RSVP FOR THE CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY (12/15). Our church Christmas Party which will be on Sunday, Dec. 15 right after the service. Please RSVP on Church Center by Dec. 1.
  8. THE ELDERS WOULD LIKE TO PRAY FOR YOU.  To have the elders pray for you at their monthly meetings, please email prayer requests to david[at]citylinechurch[dot]net. You may also indicate if you’d like your prayer request to be covered in the Prayers of the People on a Sunday morning.
  9. ZOOM LINK FOR WORSHIP SERVICE (SUNDAYS @ 9AM). For those who are not joining us in-person we will continue to stream the service online via Zoom. Please email David Fuller at david[at]citylinechurch[dot]net for the Zoom link.
  10. NEXT WEEK'S SERMON: Ryan Egli, The Prophets of Advent: "The Virgin Birth", Isaiah 7:14