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Find out about upcoming events that may interest you
  1. WOMEN'S FIRST FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP (MAY 3). The women will get together on May 3 at 7:30pm in Penn Valley. Contact Kindell Watlington at kindell[at]citylinechurch[dot]net with any questions.
  2. BUDGET INPUT MEETING (MAY 8). New this year! We will be holding a budget input meeting on May 8 at 8pm on Zoom. We will present a proposed budget and the Session’s vision for the 2024-2025 fiscal year at that meeting. This will give the congregation an opportunity to provide feedback to the session, so that we can consider it before presenting a final budget for the congregation to vote to receive at our June Congregational Meeting.
  3. PASTORAL TRANSITION TEAM. Pastor Ryan has been with us for 6 months! As with any significant change, we desire to pay special attention to this transitional season of our community life. In addition to any member of the session (David Fuller, Edwin Ragwan, Richie Bollinger, Tom Loyd), the Pastoral Transition Care Team is available as an additional resource if anyone in our community has any ideas, questions, or concerns. The members of the team are Kaley Carpenter, Steve Kim, Julie Kao, Allen & Chelsea Tam, & Karissa Wenk.
  4. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We have quite a few needs for more volunteers across the following ministry teams: Projection, Welcome, Mission, Children’s Ministry, and the Worship Team. If you have any interest, please reach out to David Fuller at david[at]citylinechurch[dot]net
  5. Still Not in a Life Group? Are you still not in a Life Group, but want to be? Our Life Groups meet regularly throughout the area and throughout the week. And some of them are even looking for new members! These smaller gatherings of City Liners are a great way to connect more deeply with God and with others in the church. If you’re interested in joining a Life Group, reach out to Paster Ryan at ryan[at]citylinechurch[dot]net.
  6. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING (JUNE 9). Please plan to attend our congregational meeting on June 9 after the service.
  7. THE ELDERS WOULD LIKE TO PRAY FOR YOU.  To have the elders pray for you at their monthly meetings, please email prayer requests to david[at]citylinechurch[dot]net. You may also indicate if you’d like your prayer request to be covered in the Prayers of the People on a Sunday morning.
  8. ZOOM LINK FOR WORSHIP SERVICE (SUNDAYS @ 9AM). For those who are not joining us in-person we will continue to stream the service online via Zoom.  Please email David Fuller at david[at]citylinechurch[dot]net for the Zoom link.
  9. NEXT WEEK'S SERMON: Ryan Egli, Elijah and Elisha: "The Call of Elisha", 1 Kings 19:19-21