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We value preaching that is not only faithful to the text of ancient Scripture, but also relevant to the modern listener. A good sermon not only explains the meaning of God’s Word, but also makes contemporary connections and draws out implications for our daily lives.

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Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 7:1-8:1, 12:13 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12, 12:13 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7; 12:13 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 4:1-16; 12:13 | Preacher: Mr. Daniel Park | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Micah 6:1-8 | Preacher: Mr. David Fuller | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 2:24-3:22; 12:13 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:23, 12:13 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11; 12:8-14 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 - Fall Series: Ecclesiastes
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:20-25 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Summer Series: Hebrews
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:1-6 | Preacher: Rev. Jason Hsu | Series: 2018 Summer Series: Hebrews