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Bible Text: John 3:1-15 | Preacher: Mr. David Fuller

A Tale of Two Mountains

July 30, 2023
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19:3-13 | Preacher: Mr. Jonathan Hobbs

The Disruptive Christ

July 23, 2023
Bible Text: Mark 5:1-20 | Preacher: Rev. Marc Davis
Bible Text: John 15:1-17 | Preacher: Mr. David Fuller | Series: To Believe or Not Believe
Bible Text: Judges 6:11-16 | Preacher: Mr. Frank Robinson

Blessing, Not a Burden

July 2, 2023
Bible Text: Psalm 32 | Preacher: Mr. John Sherk
Bible Text: Eph 6:10-20 | Preacher: Rev. Steve Munz

Wrestling with God

June 18, 2023
Bible Text: Genesis 32:1-8, 22-32 | Preacher: Mr. Eric Herrenkohl
Bible Text: John 14:1-21 | Preacher: Mr. David Fuller | Series: To Believe or Not Believe
Bible Text: Eph 6:5-9 | Preacher: Rev. Steve Munz
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