
If you need help

Our church’s Benevolence Team is available to help with financial support should you or someone you know be in need.  Your elders are also just a phone call, email, or text away, should you need a pastoral conversation or prayer. 

Help fight hunger

Easter Outreach and the Philadelphia Gospel Movement are offering many opportunities to serve our neighbors through meal packaging and delivery.  Visit here for more information, to volunteer, or to get help. 


Donate blood

As hospitals resume surgical procedures and patient treatments that were paused due to the pandemic, donations are required to ensure blood products are readily available for patients. You can schedule a donation appointment here.

Serve in the church 

Many of our ministries continue to operate!  Visit here to learn more about serving in our children’s ministry, on our worship and praise team, on our welcome team, with our mission team, through our SAT and College Prep outreach, and so on.  


A note about giving

Tithes and offerings to the worship and work of City Line Church can be dropped off in the offering box in-person on Sunday mornings. They can also be given online, or checks can be mailed in. Information about the online and mailing options can be found on this page.

Being church in the midst of A pandemic